Ongoing Donations

Please join our stable of monthly, sustaining donors. For as little as $10.00 a month, you can make a difference in the life of one of WMERR's equines.

Annual Cost for Feed, Medical and General Rehabilitative Care

* Initial Vet call: $65 * Float teeth: $165
* Blood work/lab: $60 * Gelding: $200
* Annual vaccinations: $45 * Two tons of hay: $290
* Annual de-worming: $50 * Senior Feed: $565
* Mineral supplements: $75 * 30-days of training: $700
* Annual hoof trims: $215  





A few before and after photos to show where your donation goes.


Monthly Donor Amount Categories

$10.00 Walk: De-worming and vaccinations

$25.00 Jog: Float teeth and hoof trims or 2 tons of hay

$35.00 Trot: 2 tons hay, gelding

$50.00 Lope: Senior feed

$75.00 Gallop: De-worming, vaccinations, float teeth, hoof trim, hay, 2 weeks training

$100.00 Race: Annual care for one horse without special needs

Ongoing Monthly Donation